文章摘要:2017年新西兰大选后,由工党和优先党组成的联合政府取代了此前国家党执政的政府。在短短八个月时间内,联合政府实现了对新西兰内政外交政策的重新塑造。在对内政策方面,住房政策更加严格,移民政策收紧,更加重视教育政策,同时强调对太平洋事务的发声,旨在保护新西兰的国家独立与利益;在对外政策方面,提出基于规则的国际体系观、太平洋重置战略,以应对联合政府所谓的战略焦虑,但在国际热点问题上的自由主义立场未发生本质变化。新西兰在内政外交政策上的转变凸显了... 展开
Abstract:After New Zealand's general election in 2017,a coalition government consisting of the Labour Party and the Priority Party replaced the former governing government of the National Party.In a short period of eight months,the joint government has realized the remolding of the New Zealand internal and foreign policy.Now,the housing policy is more stringent on the internal policy,the immigration policy is tightened,the education polic... 展开