文章摘要:中澳两国长期以来保持非常紧密的经贸与人员交流,互为重要的贸易伙伴,然而,双边关系从2017年起便进入一个多事之秋的局面。中澳两国在过去的一两年间发生多起争议,尤其是“中国影响力是否渗透澳大利亚”的争议更闹得沸沸扬扬,两国关系摆荡到近年来的低谷。本文从近期中澳主要争端与冲突、这些争端背后形成的原因以及中澳关系发展可能面对的挑战三个方面来加以分析,认为中澳的一系列争议基本上源自双方主观上对于深化两国的政治经济关系有着不同诠释,加之澳大利亚内部... 展开
Abstract:China and Australia have been maintaining a close bilateral relationship over the past four decades.However,in the year of 2017-2018,China-Australia relationship has experienced a major setback due to the controversy over whether Beijing is exerting its influence in Australia's domestic politics.This paper aims to analyze why the bilateral ties have plummeted to a lowest point in the past year or two.It argues that what have caused ... 展开