文章摘要:在世界百年未有之大变局中,海南自贸港建设标志着新时代中国对外开放的重大战略进入全面实施阶段,广东作为海南与内地经济连接的战略要地,将与之互补所长、联动发展。本报告通过对海南自贸港建设与广东对外开放现状进行对比分析,研究发现海南自贸港建设将给广东对外开放带来多重机遇与挑战。一方面,广东可紧抓海南自贸港建设的重大机遇,利用强大改革定力推动形成高质量开放型经济格局,运用琼粤联动效应提升全方位对外开放能级,以及加快与海南形成互补优势,为扩大对... 展开
Abstract:As the world today is marked by major changes that’s rarely unseen in a century,the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port Plan has marked the beginning of full implementation of the opening up strategy in the new era. As a strategic location connecting Hainan and the hinterland economy,Guangdong will develop in cooperation with complementary advantages. Building upon the research on the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port and t... 展开