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作者:朱传忠 出版日期:2021年06月 报告页数:21 页 报告大小: 报告字数:24999 字 所属图书:中东研究 2020年第2期(总第12期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:土耳其爱国党是土耳其政坛的新兴力量,其源头可追溯至20世纪70年代土耳其左派运动的无产阶级革命集团一派。爱国党的政治主张主要包括世界革命论、土耳其革命论、民族政府论、国内政治论、社会经济论、国际政治论等方面。就其国内影响力而言,该党曾参加过多次土耳其议会选举,但未能获得议会席位;该党领导人多乌·佩林切克参加了2018年的土耳其总统选举,其影响力正在提升。在国际影响方面,该党在欧洲多个国家、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、中国等地设立了驻外代表处,并积... 展开



Abstract:As a new political force of Turkey’s political stage,the origin of the Patriotic Party can be traced to the PRG of the 1970s. The political discourse of this party includes the idea of world revolution,the Turkish revolution,the national government,the domestic politics,the society and economy,the international politics and so on. As to the influence of this party,its chairman Doğu Perinçek has participated the 2018 president... 展开

Abstract:As a new political force of Turkey’s political stage,the origin of the Patriotic Party can be traced to the PRG of the 1970s. The political discourse of this party includes the idea of world revolution,the Turkish revolution,the national government,the domestic politics,the society and economy,the international politics and so on. As to the influence of this party,its chairman Doğu Perinçek has participated the 2018 president election of Turkey and promoted this party’s domestic influence. In order to broaden the international influence,this party has found Foreign Representatives in European Countries,American,Canada,Australia and China. As to the communication between the parties,this party has actively strengthened the communication of the communist parties and the other political parties of the world countries. Its chairman Doğu Perinçek and the delegates have visited China many times and established good relations with China Communist Party.


