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作者:(马来西亚)廖文辉 出版日期:2021年06月 报告页数:27 页 报告大小: 报告字数:23902 字 所属图书:马来西亚研究报告(2019~2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:马来西亚闽南人热衷于民间信仰,这与福建原乡从府州县到乡村皆有各自或若干特定的神灵崇拜有关,神祇众多,同时也千差万别。马来西亚闽南人的民间信仰大体可以分为两类:一类为超越方言群的全国性神祇,如观音菩萨、土地神和关帝信仰;另一类为奉迎自家乡的祖神或守护神,如法主公、广泽尊王、清水祖师、保生大帝、惠泽尊王、开漳圣王、灵安尊王和王爷信仰。同时马来西亚闽南人的民间信仰呈现三个在地特色:第一,与其他不同地区、方言群体的神祇共同奉祀;第二,信徒不再... 展开



Abstract:Minnan people in Malaysia are fond of folk beliefs,which are related to the worship of gods in Yuanxiang of Fujian,from Fuzhou county to village. There are basically two categories of gods:one is the national gods beyond the dialect group,such as Guanyin,Tudi Gong and Guandi. The other is the ancestor god or patron god of hometown,such as Fazhu Gong,Guangze Zunwang,Qingshui Zushi,Baosheng Dadi,Huize Zunwang,Kaizhang Shengwa... 展开

Abstract:Minnan people in Malaysia are fond of folk beliefs,which are related to the worship of gods in Yuanxiang of Fujian,from Fuzhou county to village. There are basically two categories of gods:one is the national gods beyond the dialect group,such as Guanyin,Tudi Gong and Guandi. The other is the ancestor god or patron god of hometown,such as Fazhu Gong,Guangze Zunwang,Qingshui Zushi,Baosheng Dadi,Huize Zunwang,Kaizhang Shengwang,Ling’an Zunwang and Wangye belief. The folk beliefs of the minnan people in Malaysia have three local characteristics. The first is the common worship with the gods of different regions and dialect groups. Second,believers are no longer limited to the minnan group;Third,it is not only to pray for peace,seek spiritual comfort and worship the gods,but also to support the social functions endowed by the Chinese society and the functions of the Malaysian Chinese society.


