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作者:芦思姮 出版日期:2015年05月 报告页数:11 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10929 字 所属丛书:拉美黄皮书 所属图书:拉丁美洲和加勒比发展报告(2014~2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2014年,智利前总统米歇尔·巴切莱特领导中左翼联盟再度执政,新政府着力推行一系列再分配政策,尤其是税收改革与教育改革。总体来说,尽管巴切莱特面临着来自中右翼反对党联盟与其执政联盟内部保守势力的双重压力,改革方案的落实依旧取得了阶段性进展。经济方面,增速明显放缓,投资与私人消费持续低迷,中央政府大力实施振兴计划。社会方面,多起爆炸案引发政府对公共安全问题的重视,新媒体的普及助推了社会运动的发展,最低工资水平3年递增上调。外交方面,巴切莱特参... 展开



Abstract:In 2014,Chile’s political scene was dominated by the return to power of a former president,M. Bachelet of the centre-left coalition. The new government is pursuing a series of redistributive policies focused on tax and education reform. Generally speaking,although Bachelet is facing the challenge of balancing pressure from the centre-right Alianza and the more Conservative elements within her coalition,results have been achieved ... 展开

Abstract:In 2014,Chile’s political scene was dominated by the return to power of a former president,M. Bachelet of the centre-left coalition. The new government is pursuing a series of redistributive policies focused on tax and education reform. Generally speaking,although Bachelet is facing the challenge of balancing pressure from the centre-right Alianza and the more Conservative elements within her coalition,results have been achieved in the implementation of reform plans. With regard to economy,there has been a sharp slowdown in growth as a result of a contraction in investment and slower private consumption growth. Therefore,a package of plans to spur economic growth has been vigorously promoted by the central government. In social terms,a series of explosions have drawn government attention to the public security sphere. The popularity of new media has advanced the development of social movements. The minimum wage has increased for three consecutive years. As to international relations,Bachelet attended APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Beijing and paid a working visit to China. Chile strengthened relations with the US. The Pacific Alliance made a major step forward. The dispute between Chile and Bolivia remains unresolved,but the issue between Chile and Peru has been settled peacefully.


