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作者:张勇 出版日期:2012年05月 报告页数:9 页 报告大小: 报告字数:7527 字 所属丛书:拉美黄皮书 所属图书:拉丁美洲和加勒比发展报告(2011~2012) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2011年钦奇利亚政府继续加强政治和经济的稳定性,但是由于她所在的民族解放党失去对议会的控制,导致政府决策依赖于特定的政党联盟。因此,政府在改革议程上进展缓慢。经济增长有所放缓。鉴于在短期内政府致力于保持较高的财政刺激和社会支出水平,2011年财政赤字较高。失业仍然是哥斯达黎加面临的严峻的社会问题。在对外关系上,政府继续保持多元化战略,在与欧美保持良好关系的同时,重视与中国关系的发展。在美国次贷危机余波未平、欧债危机卷土重来的背景下,世界经济... 展开



Abstract:In 2011 the government of Laura Chinchilla continued to strengthen the political and economic stability. But due to her party's loss of control in the legislature, the decision-making of the government depended on the particular political party alliances. As a result, the reform agenda had little progress. The economic growth slowed down. Owing to the government's maintaining of a relatively high level of fiscal stimulus and social sp... 展开

Abstract:In 2011 the government of Laura Chinchilla continued to strengthen the political and economic stability. But due to her party's loss of control in the legislature, the decision-making of the government depended on the particular political party alliances. As a result, the reform agenda had little progress. The economic growth slowed down. Owing to the government's maintaining of a relatively high level of fiscal stimulus and social spending in the short term, the fiscal deficit went high in 2011. Unemployment was still a serious social problem. In foreign relations, the government insisted on a diversification strategy and emphasized on developing relations with China as well as maintaining good relations with EU and USA. The uncertainty of the world economy will last for a long time because of the contagion of the European sovereign debt crisis and the impact of the post-US subprime mortgage crisis. The government will strive to keep sustainable economic growth with the guarantee of a stable political situation in 2012.


