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作者:李菡 出版日期:2009年03月 报告页数:9 页 报告大小: 报告字数:8432 字 所属丛书:拉美黄皮书 所属图书:拉丁美洲和加勒比发展报告(2008~2009) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2008年是奥尔特加政府执政的第二年。在政治上,尼加拉瓜举行的全国市政选举成为国内外最关注的政治事件。选举前,为能在选举中获胜,执政党内部和反对党联盟都出现了重大变化。通过这次选举,奥尔特加政府进一步巩固了执政地位,但选举结果引起国内外广泛争议,导致国内局势紧张。2008年,尼加拉瓜经济保持增长,但增长速度比2007年有所放慢,面临的通胀压力较大;由于受世界金融危机的影响,2009年的经济形势不容乐观。贫困问题仍是尼加拉瓜面临的主要问题,发展教育是政... 展开



Abstract:It was the second year in power for the government of Ortega. To win municipal elections,a world wide eye-catching political event,both governing and opposing parties made big changes within themselves. Ortega’s government got its political position reinforced through the elections that stired up national and international controversy and tightened up the domestic situation. Nicaragua’s economy kept growing in 2008 but at slower p... 展开

Abstract:It was the second year in power for the government of Ortega. To win municipal elections,a world wide eye-catching political event,both governing and opposing parties made big changes within themselves. Ortega’s government got its political position reinforced through the elections that stired up national and international controversy and tightened up the domestic situation. Nicaragua’s economy kept growing in 2008 but at slower pace and was faced with inflationary pressure. On the economic side,Nicaragua may not afford to be optimistic due to the impacts of the financial crisis in 2009. During the past year,poverty remained the biggest problem of the country for which education may be a solution,public security was not improved substantially. Its ties with Russia were reinforced while its relations with Colombia and the US turned tight.


