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作者:黄志龙 出版日期:2009年03月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14577 字 所属丛书:拉美黄皮书 所属图书:拉丁美洲和加勒比发展报告(2008~2009) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2008年,尽管面临国内安全形势恶化、反对派阻挠能源改革等挑战,但卡尔德龙政府仍稳步推进其各项改革,政权日渐稳固。美国金融危机导致墨西哥经济形势急剧恶化,政府为应对上半年的通胀压力和下半年金融危机的冲击,对宏观经济政策进行了全面调整。经济形势恶化和通货膨胀使墨西哥的主要社会指标均出现不同程度的恶化,尤其是粮食价格上涨使贫困家庭面临饥荒的压力。在稳定与美国关系、全面恢复与拉美国家正常外交关系的前提下,墨西哥积极发展与欧洲和亚太地区的关系,尤... 展开



Abstract:In 2008,president Calderon steadily steered forward various reforms while government’s political power was consolidated in a context characterized by deteriorating domestic security and pullbacks laid by opposition against the energy reform. Mexico’s economic situation worsened dramatically with the spreading financial crisis of the US,so the government adjusted the overall economic policy to cope with the increasing inflation in ... 展开

Abstract:In 2008,president Calderon steadily steered forward various reforms while government’s political power was consolidated in a context characterized by deteriorating domestic security and pullbacks laid by opposition against the energy reform. Mexico’s economic situation worsened dramatically with the spreading financial crisis of the US,so the government adjusted the overall economic policy to cope with the increasing inflation in the first half of the year and the shocks of financial crisis in the second half. Under such circumstances,major social indicators were in various degrees of deterioration and the pressure of rising grain price over households stricken by poverty became especially obvious. During the past year,Mexico took active steps to develop relations with the EU and Asia Pacific region and attached special attention to fostering ties with India and China among other emerging developing countries,while keeping its connections with the US in stability and recovering comprehensively its bonds with other Latin American countries.


