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作者:张帆 出版日期:2020年09月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:19081 字 所属丛书:美国蓝皮书 所属图书:美国研究报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2019年,美国战略界进一步固化中国“战略竞争者”定位,在经济、地缘政治和意识形态领域对中国发起全面挑战。中国对此进行了有力回击,中美战略竞争加剧,中美战略竞争框架初具雏形。中美在经贸领域经历了一个“边打边谈”的局面后,达成第一阶段协议,但两国在高技术领域的竞争日趋激烈;在美国战略界加紧实施“印太战略”的背景下,中美围绕南海和台湾问题的较量更趋紧张;美国战略界将意识形态因素日益融入对华战略竞争,中美在香港、新疆问题上进行了针锋相对的斗争。... 展开



Abstract:In 2019,the US strategic community has consolidated the concept of China as “a strategic competitor” and challenged China economically,geo-strategically and ideologically,which has been fought back strongly and resolutely by the Chinese side. The Sino-US strategic competition has become intensifying and the strategic competition framework within which the strategic interactions between the two sides occurring has emerged. After a... 展开

Abstract:In 2019,the US strategic community has consolidated the concept of China as “a strategic competitor” and challenged China economically,geo-strategically and ideologically,which has been fought back strongly and resolutely by the Chinese side. The Sino-US strategic competition has become intensifying and the strategic competition framework within which the strategic interactions between the two sides occurring has emerged. After a seesaw struggle featuring some kind of “talking while fighting”,China and US arrived at a “phase one” trade deal,but the competition between the two sides in the field of high technology has increased. While the US strategic community further strengthening the so-called Indo-Pacific Strategy,the rivalry between China and the U.S. over the South China Sea and the Taiwan issue has become more and more intense. Simultaneously,the US side has increasingly factored ideology into the Sino-US strategic competition,and Sino-US confrontations over such issues as Hong Kong and Xinjiang have gone acute. Competition has become the theme of the Sino-U.S. relation,and the crisis management mechanisms in the bilateral interactions have to a great extent fallen into some dysfunctional state. Against such a background,the Sino-US competition will continuously develop within the extant strategic competition framework.


