文章摘要:环境信用体系是当今国际社会用以将企业环境行为与市场经济融合的一种管理工具,它是在社会信用体系建设的大框架下诞生的,它可以为政府部门提供环境管理和公众参与监督的渠道,使银行业了解企业环境风险,从一定程度上解决环境保护中“违法成本低”的问题。目前,全国各地开展了不同程度的试点,上海也已经在体系的机制建设方面做出有益尝试,并将环境信用体系应用于绿色信贷、企业表彰、行政许可和环保核查工作中。提出了上海推进企业环境信用评价试点进程、鼓励第三方环... 展开
Abstract:Environmental credit system is a management tool of the integration of corporate environmental behavior and the market economy in the international society. It formed in the framework of the social credit system. It can provide the public the path to participate in environmental management and supervision,the banking industry to understand the environmental risks of enterprises,to a certain extent solve situation of “low cost of en... 展开