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作者:曹莉萍 出版日期:2015年01月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14034 字 所属丛书:上海蓝皮书 所属图书:上海资源环境发展报告(2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:环境污染治理具有公益性和外部性,传统治理模式在治理效果、效率、资金投入等方面,都存在一定的局限性。然而,以第三方治理模式取代传统治理模式,将会提高环境污染治理的效率和效果,同时培育环境污染第三方治理市场。由于具有先天的资金实力、技术优势以及国家和地方的政策支持,上海在推进环境污染第三方治理模式方面如鱼得水。但是,受到第三方治理互信、互惠、开放性等实现条件缺失的制约,上海环境污染第三方治理模式的推行在治理结构和治理机制方面存在诸多亟待解... 展开



Abstract:Environmental pollution governance has the public welfare and externality,there are some constraints in the traditional mode of governance on treatment effect,efficiency,capital and other aspects. However,to replace the traditional mode with the third-party governance mode will raise the efficiency and effect of environmental pollution governance,meanwhile will promote the development of environmental pollution third-party govern... 展开

Abstract:Environmental pollution governance has the public welfare and externality,there are some constraints in the traditional mode of governance on treatment effect,efficiency,capital and other aspects. However,to replace the traditional mode with the third-party governance mode will raise the efficiency and effect of environmental pollution governance,meanwhile will promote the development of environmental pollution third-party governance market. There are inherent advantages of capital,and national and local policy support in promoting the third-party governance mode of environmental pollution in Shanghai. However,with realizing conditions of the third-party governance those are mutual trust,reciprocity,openness losing,there are also many urgent problems in governance structure and governance mechanism of environmental pollution third-party governance mode in Shanghai. In view of this,combined with the actual situation of Shanghai,it is argued that if the development of environment pollution third-party governance service be promoted,from the start of the stakeholders in the third-party governance,the relationships between governance responsibility in the governance structure should be clarified and various departments should cooperate firstly. Secondly,by improving the environmental standards and emission standards of punishment,and by reducing tax burden of small third-party enterprises,the players participating power of third-party governance mode should be enhanced. Thirdly,the investment and financing mechanisms of third-party governance mode should be innovated,and then a diversified and local financing platform can be set up. Fourthly,third-party pollution governance enterprises should possess self innovation mechanism to improve their governing level and market competitiveness constantly. Fifthly,access threshold of third-party governance enterprises should be strict,and the price mechanism of the third-party governance service mode should be rationalized to avoid vicious market competition and a fair competition market environment of the third-party governance will be created. Finally,it is suggested to perfect supervising mechanisms of the third-party governance mode should be built and the self-regulation system of pollution governance enterprises in the whole society will be formed so as to force pollution responsible subjects improve their pollution treatment level and strengthen the integrity of society.


