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作者:史燕平 徐晓兰 出版日期:2013年04月 报告页数:28 页 报告大小: 报告字数:23938 字 所属丛书:投资蓝皮书 所属图书:中国投资发展报告(2013) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:加入WTO之后,中国融资租赁业迎来了她的再生。“十一五”期间,中国融资租赁行业一直呈爆发式增长,业务总量增长了几十倍之多。进入2011和2012年,由于国内信贷政策紧缩,实体经济进入艰难的调整期,中国融资租赁业交易规模增速亦明显减缓,但得益于社会认知度的不断提高、融资租赁机构数量的大幅增加以及金融结构调整等原因,融资租赁业保持了持续地发展。2012年,融资租赁当年交易额已达万亿元规模。但在中国融资租赁市场规模快速增长的背后,还存在许多亟待解决的问题... 展开



Abstract:Ever since China's joined WTO, its leasing sector has revived from the previous stagnation. During the eleventh five year plan period, the total number of business has increased a dozens of times .While in 2011 and 2012, because of domestic credit tightening, the substantial economy turned to the tough phase of adjustment, and the growth rate of China's leasing investment slowed down a bit in these two years compared with the previous... 展开

Abstract:Ever since China's joined WTO, its leasing sector has revived from the previous stagnation. During the eleventh five year plan period, the total number of business has increased a dozens of times .While in 2011 and 2012, because of domestic credit tightening, the substantial economy turned to the tough phase of adjustment, and the growth rate of China's leasing investment slowed down a bit in these two years compared with the previous five years. Nonetheless, thanks to the constantly increasing social recognition of the leasing sector, sharp increase of leasing companies in numbers, and also the adjustment of finance structure in China's economy, China's leasing sector maintains a sustainable development. In 2012, the volume of leasing investment has increased to the trillion scales. In spite of the rapid growth of China's leasing sector, a number of issues need to be seriously considered and explored for its sustainable development.



史燕平:教授、金融学博士、金融市场和金融与法方向博士生导师、对外经济贸易大学租赁研究中心主任、国家开发银行专家委员会专家、全国人民代表大会财经委《融资租赁法》起草小组顾问(2003)、国际统一私法协会(Unidroit)融资租赁法范本(Model Law on Leasing)起草委员会成员(2005~2006年)、美国国务院Fulbright 学者(2007~2008年)
