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作者:张英广 石宝华 出版日期:2021年03月 报告页数:18 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13510 字 所属丛书:投资蓝皮书 所属图书:中国投资发展报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2020年,受疫情冲击和外部环境不确定性等因素影响,不良资产规模持续增长。商业银行不良贷款规模持续攀升,不良贷款率仍然处在高位;非银行金融机构和非金融企业都成为不良资产供给重要来源。面对巨大供给,不良资产市场参与主体呈现多元化格局,市场竞争加剧,资产包成交规模增长,价格下行趋势明显。从供给视角来看,2021年,由于整体市场环境的变化等因素,不良资产规模呈扩大趋势;从处置视角来看,需要多方发力加大不良处置力度,探索风险化解新路径;从市场视角来看... 展开



Abstract:In 2020,affected by the impact of the epidemic and the uncertainty of the external environment,the scale of non-performing assets will continue to grow. The scale of non-performing loans of commercial banks continues to rise,and the non-performing rate is still at a high level;non bank financial institutions and non-financial enterprises have become an important source of supply of non-performing assets. In the face of huge supply... 展开

Abstract:In 2020,affected by the impact of the epidemic and the uncertainty of the external environment,the scale of non-performing assets will continue to grow. The scale of non-performing loans of commercial banks continues to rise,and the non-performing rate is still at a high level;non bank financial institutions and non-financial enterprises have become an important source of supply of non-performing assets. In the face of huge supply,non-performing assets market participants present a diversified pattern,market competition intensifies,asset package transaction scale increases,and the price downward trend is obvious. From the perspective of supply,the scale of non-performing assets in 2021 shows an expanding trend;from the perspective of disposal,it is necessary to increase the strength of non-performing assets disposal and explore new ways to resolve risks;from the perspective of market,opportunities and challenges coexist in the non-performing assets management industry,and investment opportunities need to be grasped in the changing situation.



