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作者:吴洪振 出版日期:2019年06月 报告页数:20 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13299 字 所属丛书:工业和信息化蓝皮书 所属图书:新兴产业发展报告(2018~2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2018年,全球新能源汽车产业保持高速发展,市场规模持续扩大,和低迷的传统汽车行业形成鲜明对比。插电式混合动力汽车成为助力高增长的重要力量,充电桩数量和动力电池产量保持平稳增长,造车新势力开始规模化交付,凸显新能源汽车行业发展的良好态势。但也要注意到,产业发展仍然存在盲目投资造成产能严重过剩、产品同质化现象严重、购车成本高、动力电池技术难突破、回收利用问题有待解决、充电慢、充电难、新能源汽车售后服务体系不完善等一系列问题,下一步,要着重从... 展开



Abstract:In 2018,the global new energy vehicles industry maintained high-speed development,and the market scale continued to expand in sharp contrast to the downturn of the traditional vehicles industry. Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles have become an important force to boost high growth,the number of charging piles and the output of power batteries have maintained a steady growth,new automobile manufacturers have begun to deliver on a lar... 展开

Abstract:In 2018,the global new energy vehicles industry maintained high-speed development,and the market scale continued to expand in sharp contrast to the downturn of the traditional vehicles industry. Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles have become an important force to boost high growth,the number of charging piles and the output of power batteries have maintained a steady growth,new automobile manufacturers have begun to deliver on a large scale,highlighting the good trend of the development of the new energy vehicles industry. However,it should also be noted that there are still a series of problems,such as serious overcapacity caused by blind investment,serious homogenization of products,high cost of car purchase,difficult breakthrough of power battery technology,unresolved power battery recycling problems,slow charging,difficult charging,imperfect after-sales service system,and so on. The next step is to focus on product development and positioning,power battery technology and innovation,industrial development policy formulation,leading enterprises cultivation,after-sales service system establishment and other aspects to help the new energy vehicles industry develop well and quickly.


