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作者:田启家 孙倩文 高焕 出版日期:2017年06月 报告页数:38 页 报告大小: 报告字数:27967 字 所属丛书:工业和信息化蓝皮书 所属图书:世界智慧城市发展报告(2016~2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:关于信息化或信息技术应用的研究,一位中国信息化早期开创者提出过“是什么、为什么、怎么办”的经典三问,并指出,对这些问题我们还知之甚少。还有一位专家说过,我们现在看到的信息技术应用只是“冰山一角”。今天,智慧城市作为信息化浪潮的最前沿,建设实践是百花齐放、如火如荼,但理论研究显单一和滞后,对实践指导不足,尤其对智慧城市“是什么、为什么、怎么办”研究仍处初级阶段,理论视角下的智慧城市仍局限在“冰山一角”状态。本报告试图按照“是什么、为什么... 展开



Abstract:In regard to the research of Informatization and Information Technology Application,an early Chinese informatization inaugurator has raised three classical questions “What,Why and How” and pointed out the reality that we barely knew anything about them,and an expert expressed that what we had mastered about the information technology application is merely a tip of an iceberg. Nowadays,as the most cutting-edge part of information... 展开

Abstract:In regard to the research of Informatization and Information Technology Application,an early Chinese informatization inaugurator has raised three classical questions “What,Why and How” and pointed out the reality that we barely knew anything about them,and an expert expressed that what we had mastered about the information technology application is merely a tip of an iceberg. Nowadays,as the most cutting-edge part of information technology,construction practice of smart city is flowering. However,the theoretical research of smart city is still unitary and undeveloped,practical guidance calls for more knowledge of it. The research of “What,Why,and How” about smart city is still at the primary stage. Therefore,based on the current construction and research,this research tries to rethink and explore its concept,intension and development direction of smart city. Moreover,according to the pattern “What,Why,and How”,this research also proposes a theoretical model of new smart city and explains its concept characteristics,structure characteristics and operating characteristics. Besides,the conceptual framework of new smart city will be illustrated by the case of Beijing city informatization and the forecast about Beijing new smart city construction will be done according to this framework. Finally,future research direction of Beijing new smart city construction will also be put forward.




