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作者:春燕 出版日期:2020年06月 报告页数:10 页 报告大小: 报告字数:7176 字 所属丛书:国际城市蓝皮书 所属图书:国际城市发展报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:The problem caused by the superposition of aging and regional population reduction refers to the significant decrease in the number of people accompanying the aging population,especially the migration of economically active labor population to the metropolis,the recession and unsustainable problems in the region. It is characterized by regional aging and population reduction,industry shrinkage,employment reduction,vacant housing ... 展开

Abstract:The problem caused by the superposition of aging and regional population reduction refers to the significant decrease in the number of people accompanying the aging population,especially the migration of economically active labor population to the metropolis,the recession and unsustainable problems in the region. It is characterized by regional aging and population reduction,industry shrinkage,employment reduction,vacant housing growth,land ruin,local tax reduction,and declining public service levels. If the problem is not handled properly,the regional economy will further deteriorate,and in the continuous strengthening of the cycle,the local finance will be in crisis,and even the local government will go bankrupt. This paper introduces the problems caused by the superposition of aging and regional population reduction and the countermeasures and effects of Japan’s response to the Japanese case,and warns of possible problems in China’s population aging and regional population intensification,and seeks more for the region. Good development provides a reference.


