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作者:陈思杨 出版日期:2021年03月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13752 字 所属丛书:中东欧蓝皮书 所属图书:中东欧国家发展报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:政治方面,2019年波兰举行了议会选举,法律与公正党赢得了众议院绝对多数席位,在参议院丧失绝对多数席位,面临着更复杂的执政局面。经济方面,波兰虽然面临经济下行压力,但依旧维持了4%的国内生产总值增长率,失业率也进一步下降。外交方面,波兰延续“亲美、疑欧、反俄”的外交风格,2019年波兰与美国在安全和军事方面的关系尤为密切。社会政策方面,执政党推行的“家庭500+”计划、养老金改革、年轻人免税等政策取得了不错的效果。文化方面,波兰作家获得2018年度诺贝... 展开



Abstract:In political development,Poland held its parliamentary elections in 2019. The ruling party Law and Justice (PiS) retained its majority in the Sejm but lost its majority in the Senate to the opposition. This means the party would face a complicated situation in its governance. In the economic sphere,Poland maintained a 4% growth in GDP,and its unemployment rate further lowered,though the economy was under a downward pressure. In ... 展开

Abstract:In political development,Poland held its parliamentary elections in 2019. The ruling party Law and Justice (PiS) retained its majority in the Sejm but lost its majority in the Senate to the opposition. This means the party would face a complicated situation in its governance. In the economic sphere,Poland maintained a 4% growth in GDP,and its unemployment rate further lowered,though the economy was under a downward pressure. In foreign affairs,Polish foreign policies are characterized by its pro-US,Eurosceptic and anti-Russian attitude. In 2019,Poland and the US carried out close security and military cooperation. In social policies,the ruling party PiS implemented the “Family 500+” plan,pension reforms and youth tax exemption,which yielded good results. In the cultural area,a Polish writer won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature. In China-Poland relations,cooperation progressed steadily under the “Belt and Road” initiative and the “17 + 1” cooperation platform.


