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作者:苏欣 出版日期:2020年12月 报告页数:19 页 报告大小: 报告字数:20874 字 所属丛书:伊朗蓝皮书 所属图书:伊朗发展报告(2018~2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:难民问题是当今国际社会的热点问题,也是长期困扰世界的一大难题。伊朗是世界上主要的难民接收国之一,其境内的阿富汗难民问题已持续40年之久。伊朗的阿富汗难民政策经历了最初的“门户开放”和融合政策,到20世纪末的排斥、预防和遣返政策,再到如今的难民救助与加速遣返并行的平衡政策等一系列转变。伊朗政府对难民开放、包容和友好的态度一直受到国际社会的赞誉,但由于巨大的经济压力和社会安全隐患,近年来伊朗国内出现了反对承担过多难民救济责任的呼声和部分驱逐难... 展开



Abstract:The refugee problem is one of the hotspots in the international community and a major challenge that has plagued the world for a long time. As one of the world’s major refugee recipients,Iran’s Afghan refugee problem has lasted for 40 years. Iran’s Afghan refugee policy has also changed from the original “Open Door” and integration policy to the policy of exclusion,prevention and repatriation,and now the policy of balancing be... 展开

Abstract:The refugee problem is one of the hotspots in the international community and a major challenge that has plagued the world for a long time. As one of the world’s major refugee recipients,Iran’s Afghan refugee problem has lasted for 40 years. Iran’s Afghan refugee policy has also changed from the original “Open Door” and integration policy to the policy of exclusion,prevention and repatriation,and now the policy of balancing between refugee relief and accelerated repatriation. The Iranian government’s open,inclusive and friendly attitude towards refugees has been praised by the international community. However,there have been calls against taking on too many refugee responsibilities and actions to expel some refugees in Iran in recent years,due to the enormous economic pressure and social security risks. It’s the fundamental way to solve the crisis of Iranian Afghan refugees that Iran’s government should try to enhance the attractiveness of the country of origin and the comprehensive ability to properly resettle returnees and promote the voluntary repatriation of refugees in a rational,orderly and appropriate manner.


