文章摘要:2020年的美国大选是对特朗普和特朗普主义进行的全民公决。世界处在全球化的十字路口,正在经历百年未有之大变局,美国和世界迎来了特朗普政府及其路线去留的重要时刻。新冠肺炎大流行极大地改变了美国选举的政治生态,特朗普政府应对疫情的频频失误严重影响了其连任前景,为拜登的最终胜利提供了基础。民主党抓住了种族冲突提供的政治机遇,拿出了比共和党2016年政纲更符合时代要求的政纲。但是,美国大选的结果预示着其国内政治极化的过程还将继续,特朗普主义不会退出政... 展开
Abstract:The 2020 U.S. Election is a referendum on Trump and Trumpism at a critical juncture of globalization. After four years of the Trump administration,Americans and the people of the world are facing the choice of the continuation of Trumpism or the abandonment of it. Sudden advent of the COVID-19 pandemic significantly changed the political environment in the US and the failure of the Trump administration to deal with the spread of the ... 展开