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作者:于善甫 出版日期:2020年11月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12333 字 所属丛书:跨境电商蓝皮书 所属图书:中国跨境电商发展报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:全球供应链产业链在国内外多重力量的作用下正在加速重构,作为未来主要贸易方式的跨境电商如何在供应链重构中化危为机,为实现高质量发展赢得主动、占得先机?本文分析了供应链重构的趋势以及重构中面临的风险挑战,认为维护全球供应链稳定是开展跨境电商等国际贸易的基础。接着分析了供应链重构给跨境电商带来的挑战,并探讨了风险中存在的发展机遇。最后,从创造更优的国际营商环境、提高跨境电商数字化水平、注重跨境电商和跨境物流协同发展、创新跨境电商供应链金融服... 展开



Abstract:The global supply chain is accelerating the reconstruction under the influence of the multiple forces from home to abroad. How can cross-border e-commerce turn crisis into opportunity of supply chain reconstruction as the major mode of trade in the future?And how to take the initiative and seize the opportunity to achieve high-quality development?This paper analyzes the trend of supply chain reconstruction and the risks and challeng... 展开

Abstract:The global supply chain is accelerating the reconstruction under the influence of the multiple forces from home to abroad. How can cross-border e-commerce turn crisis into opportunity of supply chain reconstruction as the major mode of trade in the future?And how to take the initiative and seize the opportunity to achieve high-quality development?This paper analyzes the trend of supply chain reconstruction and the risks and challenges,it is believed that maintaining the stability of the global supply chain is the basis for international trade such as cross-border e-commerce. Then it analyzes the challenges of cross-border e-commerce from supply chain construction and discussing the development opportunities. Finally,it proposes the countermeasures and suggestions on how to realize the high-quality and innovative development of e-commerce from six aspects:creating a better international business environment,improving the digital level of cross-border e-commerce,focusing on the collaborative development of cross-border e-commerce with logistics,innovating the financial service mode,improving the service quality with blockchain technology,and providing guarantee for the high-quality development of cross-border e-commerce.


