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作者:陈震宇 出版日期:2016年06月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13222 字 所属丛书:澳门蓝皮书 所属图书:澳门经济社会发展报告(2015~2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:设立非政权性市政机构成为2015年度学术界以至社会关注的一个焦点。本文认为前市政机构具有政权性质的根本来源在于,法律向市政区赋予公法人的身份,并基于此授权市政区享有公共权力和政治权力。政权的产生虽然经过如选举、委任等政治过程,但权力配置情况不同导致产生政权并非政治过程的唯一结果,故此市政机构的产生,不论方式如何均与“政权”属性无关。澳门特区市政机构可从民政总署直接过渡、另设公务法人,或以公共团体形式设立。在设立市政机构后,除了应填补目前《... 展开



Abstract:The establishment of municipal organs without political power has become a focus within both the academic sector and the community in 2015. This article argues that the political power of former municipal organs originated from the conferral of municipalities as public corporations and the consequent devolution of public and political powers to municipalities. Although a political power is formed through political processes such as el... 展开

Abstract:The establishment of municipal organs without political power has become a focus within both the academic sector and the community in 2015. This article argues that the political power of former municipal organs originated from the conferral of municipalities as public corporations and the consequent devolution of public and political powers to municipalities. Although a political power is formed through political processes such as elections or nomination,differences in power conferral means that this is not the only consequence of political processes. How municipal organs are formed,regardless of methods,is therefore unrelated to the properties of “political power”. The future municipal organs of the Macao Special Administrative Region can be directly transited from the existing Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau,established as a separate public institution,or as a public association. While quorum should be introduced into the Chief Executive Election Law for representatives of municipal organs to the Chief Executive Electoral College after the municipal organs are established,attention should also be paid to problems such as delegation of power by the Government to municipal organs,the role of the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau,local ordinances (posturas),and rationalising the disorderly situation in territorial divisions within the Administration at present.


