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作者:张宸妍 孙乾坤 刘冬雪 出版日期:2020年08月 报告页数:20 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15021 字 所属丛书:“一带一路”投资安全蓝皮书 所属图书:中国“一带一路”投资安全研究报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2018年以来,中美经贸关系在互征关税和磋商谈判中曲折前行。自贸区建设和“一带一路”倡议是适应复杂的外部环境和应对中美贸易摩擦的重要举措,二者均以市场开放、贸易自由、投资便利为目标,是“推动形成全面开放新格局”的重要组成部分。在此背景下,从微观企业和宏观开放的视角分析了自贸区建设和“一带一路”倡议协同发展的必要性和意义,从数量和质量两个角度梳理了二者的发展状况。影响自贸区建设和“一带一路”倡议协同发展的原因复杂,中美贸易摩擦增加了其中的风... 展开



Abstract:China-US economic and trade relation have been zigzagging forward with tariff dispute and negotiation since 2018. Chinese free trade areas strategy and the “Belt and Road” are important to adapt to the complex external environment and cope with China-US trade frictions. Both of them are aimed at market opening,trade facilitating and investment limitless,which are important elements in making new ground in pursuing opening up on al... 展开

Abstract:China-US economic and trade relation have been zigzagging forward with tariff dispute and negotiation since 2018. Chinese free trade areas strategy and the “Belt and Road” are important to adapt to the complex external environment and cope with China-US trade frictions. Both of them are aimed at market opening,trade facilitating and investment limitless,which are important elements in making new ground in pursuing opening up on all fronts. In this context,this paper analyses the necessity of the coevolution of free trade areas construction and the “Belt and Road” from micro firm-level and macro open-view,and untangle previous and current development status of the two elements based on quantity and quality. The causes for the coordinated development of the free trade areas construction and the “Belt and Road” are complex,China-US trade friction has increased the risk factors. For the difficulties and challenges from the coevolution development,we put forward to promote higher-standard bi-directional liberalization,improve the ability to set up and broad new trade topics,actively participate in regional cooperation,support WTO reform and build Chinese dominated global value chains.




