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作者:雅克·德里达(JacquesDerrida) 胡继华 出版日期:2020年02月 报告页数:59 页 报告大小: 报告字数:62683 字 所属图书:跨文化研究(2019年第2辑 总第7辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:通过细读柏拉图的对话录《斐德若》,德里达展开了对爱欲、修辞、书写、哲学关系的讨论。在这篇著名论文中,德里达更新和加深了对传统柏拉图观念论的物质主义批评。传统的柏拉图主义认为,真理之存在不依赖于且超越于语言指称行为;而作为语言指称行为的典范,书写乃是纯粹的派生物和补充物,同持驻在心灵和展现在言语之中的真理相比,它只有次要的意义。在《斐德若》中,柏拉图借着苏格拉底之口,将“逻各斯”描述为“父亲”“帝王”,享有对书写的威权。书写既是补药又是... 展开



Abstract:Derrida renews and refines the materialist critique of the traditional platonic-idealist position that truth exists apart from and above signification in language,which is considered a merely derivative supplement to the true idea present in the mind or logos.Plato,in The Phaedrus,describes logos as “the Father”and “King”to suggest its authority in relation to writing,which should obediently represent truth but which can also ... 展开

Abstract:Derrida renews and refines the materialist critique of the traditional platonic-idealist position that truth exists apart from and above signification in language,which is considered a merely derivative supplement to the true idea present in the mind or logos.Plato,in The Phaedrus,describes logos as “the Father”and “King”to suggest its authority in relation to writing,which should obediently represent truth but which can also lead truth astray.This was Plato's quarrel with the Sophists,who taught youth to use language to argue points without training them in proper reasoning.Only when ideas are present is there truth,and without true ideas the techniques of representation such as memorizing passages in order to repeat them are the bearers of falsehood.This is why Plato uses an ambivalent word — pharmakon,which means both poison and cure — as a metaphor for writing.Writing endangers true ideas by offering a simulacrum of truth that need not contain true ideas,yet it is an addition or supplement to true ideas that allow them to be communicated.



雅克·德里达(Jacques Derrida):作者:德里达,1930—2004,法国哲学家,解构论的创始人
