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作者:吴小坤 贺明静 出版日期:2018年10月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14184 字 所属丛书:全球传播生态蓝皮书 所属图书:全球传播生态发展报告(2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:社交媒体的蓬勃发展改变了国际传播格局,有不少研究认为,格局的改变让政府与媒体传播的“喊话”逐渐转变为“对话”。社交媒体有利于促进他国公众对中国的理解和认识。因此,中国政府借助社交媒体开展传播活动,有利于推动外部世界对中国事务的了解,同时也能够了解国外公众对中国的反应。实际真的是这样吗?我国政府和媒体是否很好地利用国际社交媒体进行了有效的对外传播和对话呢?自2009年以来,我国中央和地方的一些政府机构和媒体陆续开设Twitter账号,数量逐年增加... 展开



Abstract:The flourishing social media have changed the international communications pattern. Many studies hold that the changes have gradually enabled governments and media to shift from “shouting-out” to “dialogue”. Social media are instrumental for the general public of other countries to understand and know China. By using social media to conduct communications,the Chinese government will help the outside world to know China and know h... 展开

Abstract:The flourishing social media have changed the international communications pattern. Many studies hold that the changes have gradually enabled governments and media to shift from “shouting-out” to “dialogue”. Social media are instrumental for the general public of other countries to understand and know China. By using social media to conduct communications,the Chinese government will help the outside world to know China and know how foreign general public react to its communications. Is it really the case?Have the Chinese government and media made good use of international social media in their effective external communications and dialogue?Since 2009,some of the central and local government agencies and media have successively opened Twitter accounts and the number of accounts has increased year by year,demonstrating the rising attention to social media platforms. This report sorts out the Twitter accounts of the Chinese government and media,collects their users information,and the contents and frequency of communications and given a general description in the hope of providing the Chinese government and media with something for reference in formulating strategies in their international communications.



