文章摘要:以色列建国后,为了重新安置境内的贝都因部落,促使其尽快适应现代化生活模式,融入现代社会,政府先后成立了多个委员会,并相继出台了第一、第二个“五年计划”,以实现贝都因人在教育、就业、基础设施建设等方面的发展。随着各委员会的成立及“五年计划”方案的实施,一方面,贝都因部落社会传统受到巨大冲击,酋长、部落律法及家庭社会观念发生转变,生活方式从游牧转向定居。另一方面,贝都因人的经济收入及受教育水平不断提高,人口死亡率、文盲率得以下降,就业人数... 展开
Abstract:In order to settle the Bedouin tribes,and bring about their adaption to the modern lifestyle and integration into the modern Israeli society as soon as possible,the government of Israel has established various committees,and consecutively put forward the first and second five-year plans. On the one hand,with the establishment of various committees and the implementation of the five-year plans,the social tradition of the Bedouin t... 展开