文章摘要:21世纪以来,中国同太平洋岛国的关系发展迅速。继2014年双方建立战略合作伙伴关系之后,中国与太平洋岛国领导人又达成了共建“一带一路”的共识,奠定了中国同岛国关系扬帆再启航的坚实基础。中国同岛国关系的健康持续发展,既得益于中国坚持平等相处、互利合作、心心相印、守望相助的相处原则及同舟共济的“人类命运共同体”精神,也同太平洋岛国政府和民众渴望独立自主和发展自身经济的强烈内生动力及与域内外西方大国进行施压与反施压博弈的外生动力紧密相关。共建“一... 展开
Abstract:China's relations with the Pacific Island Countries (PICs) have witnessed a rapid growth since the new century.The leaderships of China and PICs have reached consensus on the advancement of B & R followed their strategic partnership created in 2014 and laid solid groundwork for the advancement of China-PICs relations.The healthy and sustained development of China-PICs ties are based upon China's foreign principles and the spirits o... 展开