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作者:张誉馨 欧阳向英 出版日期:2022年01月 报告页数:21 页 报告大小: 报告字数:23848 字 所属丛书:国际形势黄皮书 所属图书:全球政治与安全报告(2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2014年乌克兰危机的爆发是乌克兰国内问题与大国地缘政治博弈叠加的结果,也是冷战后美欧与俄罗斯竞争欧亚地区主导权最具标志性的事件之一。2020~2021年,新冠肺炎疫情席卷全球,但顿巴斯地区冲突反而有所升温。乌克兰投资吸引力降低,营商积极性下降,国内政治改革乏善可陈。乌克兰危机的背后是复杂的大国博弈。过去的一年,美欧对俄制裁依旧,美俄在黑海地区的安全博弈仍在继续,美国与部分欧盟国家在北溪-2项目上的不同立场加剧了事态的复杂性。美国将中国视为主要竞争... 展开



Abstract:The crisis in Ukraine in 2014 is the result of the superposition of Ukraine’s domestic problems and the geopolitical game of major powers. It is also one of the most symbolic events in the competition between the United States,Europe and Russia for dominance in Eurasia after the cold war. The unexpected COVID-19 swept the world in 2020-2021 years,but the conflict in the area of Donbass region has been warming up. Ukraine’s investm... 展开

Abstract:The crisis in Ukraine in 2014 is the result of the superposition of Ukraine’s domestic problems and the geopolitical game of major powers. It is also one of the most symbolic events in the competition between the United States,Europe and Russia for dominance in Eurasia after the cold war. The unexpected COVID-19 swept the world in 2020-2021 years,but the conflict in the area of Donbass region has been warming up. Ukraine’s investment attraction has decreased,business enthusiasm has decreased,and domestic political reform is not good. The reasons for the unresolved crisis in Ukraine are complex. In the past year,the United States and Europe have still imposed sanctions on Russia,and the security game between the United States and Russia in the Black Sea region continues. The different positions of the United States and some EU countries on “Nord Stream 2” have strengthened the complexity of the situation. The United States regards China as its main competitor,which has become an important factor affecting China Ukraine economic and trade cooperation. Whether the Ukrainian crisis can be resolved depends on whether the countries concerned have the demand,sincerity and ability to establish effective multilateral mechanisms. In the future,Ukraine is still the anti-Russian fulcrum that the United States will not give up,a buffer zone that Europe is striving for,and a sensitive area that Russia is trying its best to lock up.



