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作者:孙俊新 出版日期:2020年12月 报告页数:11 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10622 字 所属图书:国际服务贸易评论(第1辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:近年来,得益于政府政策引导和文化“走出去”的蓬勃发展,对外文化投资呈现一些新的特点:投资规模在波动中逐步趋稳、政策张弛有度遏制非理性投资、民营企业特别是大型互联网企业表现亮眼。随着投资回归理性,有必要总结经验教训,重新审视对外文化投资的意义和作用,分析其影响因素,探求其发展遇到的挑战和困境,并提出解决对策。本文认为,文化领域的扩大开放和投资的便利化是大势所趋,为此对外文化投资有必要遵循市场规律,以企业为主体开拓海外市场,大胆推进政策创... 展开



Abstract:In recent years,thanks to the government policy guidance and the vigorous development of cultural industry,international cultural investment has presented some new features:the scale of investment has gradually stabilized in volatility,policy guidance has curbed irrational investment,and private enterprises,especially large internet companies are playing important role.As investment returns to rationality,it is necessary to sum... 展开

Abstract:In recent years,thanks to the government policy guidance and the vigorous development of cultural industry,international cultural investment has presented some new features:the scale of investment has gradually stabilized in volatility,policy guidance has curbed irrational investment,and private enterprises,especially large internet companies are playing important role.As investment returns to rationality,it is necessary to sum up experience and lessons,re-examine the significance of international cultural investment,analyze its influencing factors,explore the challenges and dilemmas of its development,and propose solutions.It is implied that the expansion and opening up of the cultural field and investment facilitation are the inevitable trend.Thus,it is necessary to follow the market law and take the enterprise as the main body;boldly promote policy innovation with cautions as well;promote international investment through the opening of the cultural field,coordinate the culture,manufacturing and modern service industry to jointly achieve the effective Chinese culture“going out”.


