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作者:刘晶晶 关英明 李笑晏 出版时间:2023年12月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14228 字 所属图书:国别和区域研究(第七卷 2022年第1、2期,总第19期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:黎巴嫩中文教育作为中文在多语环境下进行国别化传播的典型代表,对阿拉伯国家和地区中文教育发展具有参考价值。本文分析了影响黎巴嫩中文教育发展的外部因素,较为全面地展现出黎巴嫩中文教育发展现状。研究发现,黎巴嫩中文教育市场前景广阔,孔子学院建设特色显著,发挥了中文教学、师资培训及中外文化沟通桥梁与纽带等多重作用。无论如何,黎巴嫩中文教育也面临着一些问题,如政府弱势与政局长期不稳导致中文教育市场潜力未充分挖掘,多语环境下其他语言的强势地位使中... 展开



Abstract:Lebanon has broad Prospects. The construction of Confucius Institute has remarkable characteristics,and has played roles in training,and bridging and tying Chinese and foreign Cultures. This paper analyzes the external factors affecting the development of Chinese education in Lebanon,comprehensively presents the current situation of the development of Chinese education in Lebanon,and finds that the Chinese education market in Leba... 展开

Abstract:Lebanon has broad Prospects. The construction of Confucius Institute has remarkable characteristics,and has played roles in training,and bridging and tying Chinese and foreign Cultures. This paper analyzes the external factors affecting the development of Chinese education in Lebanon,comprehensively presents the current situation of the development of Chinese education in Lebanon,and finds that the Chinese education market in Lebanon has broad prospects,the construction characteristics of Confucius Institutes are remarkable,and has played multiple roles in Chinese teaching,teacher training,bridges and ties between Chinese and foreign cultures. However,there are also some problems,such as the weakness of the government and the long-term instability of the political situation,which lead to the insufficient exploitation of the potential of the Chinese education market,the strong position of other languages in the multilingual environment,the obstruction of the development of Chinese education,the insufficient level of Chinese education,the uneven level of Chinese teachers,and the large mobility of local teachers. Therefore,this paper proposes that we should strive to promote the integration of Chinese into the Lebanese national education system,take a variety of measures to vigorously cultivate local Chinese teachers,strengthen public opinion publicity according to local conditions,enhance inter-school cooperation and school enterprise cooperation,and promote the localization development of Chinese education in Lebanon.



刘晶晶:刘晶晶 博士,天津师范大学国际中文教育发展研究院(教师教育学院)讲师,硕士研究生导师,研究方向为国际中文教育、中文国际传播研究等。

关英明:关英明 博士,天津师范大学期刊出版中心副教授,硕士研究生导师,研究方向为社会语言学、国际中文教育等。

李笑晏:李笑晏 黎巴嫩圣约瑟夫大学孔子学院教师,研究方向为国际中文教育。
