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作者:闫晗 高聪 周佳婕 闫国庆 出版日期:2023年12月 报告页数:18 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14427 字 所属图书:国别和区域研究(第七卷 2022年第1、2期,总第19期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:经贸合作是中国与希腊双边关系的压舱石。以经贸合作为抓手,进一步推动政治联系是发展中希关系的重要一环。本文基于UN Comtrade数据库希腊对外贸易数据,剖析希腊对外贸易发展特征与趋势;通过应用双边贸易份额指数、贸易结合度指数、对外贸易依存度等方法,分析希腊对相关国家的贸易依赖度。在此基础上,本文提出了深化中希贸易合作的对策建议。

Abstract:Economic and trade cooperation is the ballast of the relationship between China and Greece. However,there is a large trade imbalance between the two sides. Focusing on economic and trade cooperation,maintaining the economic interdependence is an important part to boost political cooperation between China and Greece. Based on the data of Greece’s foreign trade from the UN Comtrade database,the paper analyzes the development charact... 展开

Abstract:Economic and trade cooperation is the ballast of the relationship between China and Greece. However,there is a large trade imbalance between the two sides. Focusing on economic and trade cooperation,maintaining the economic interdependence is an important part to boost political cooperation between China and Greece. Based on the data of Greece’s foreign trade from the UN Comtrade database,the paper analyzes the development characteristics and trends of foreign trade of Greece. Through the applied bilateral trade share index,trade intensity index,foreign trade dependency,the paper studies the degree of Greece’s trade dependence on relevant countries. On this basis,it puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to promote the trade cooperation between China and Greece.



闫晗:闫晗 宁波财经学院讲师,研究方向为国际投融资、金融科技。

高聪:高聪 浙江万里学院中东欧经贸研究中心助理研究员,研究方向为产业经济。

周佳婕:周佳婕 西交利物浦大学硕士研究生,研究方向为国际贸易、运营与供应链管理。

闫国庆:闫国庆 浙江万里学院国家级一流专业(国际经济与贸易)和国家级一流课程(国际贸易理论与政策)负责人,硕士生导师,研究方向为国际经济与贸易。
