文章摘要:2021年以来,动荡的中东出现了局势缓和的积极态势。叙利亚、利比亚和也门三场主要地区冲突有所降温,土耳其主动与地区国家缓和矛盾,海合会国家实现内部和解,伊朗与沙特展开对话,伊朗核问题重启谈判。地区局势呈现缓和态势是由内外多种因素推动的,能否可持续仍存在不确定性。为应对美国加速撤离而出现的地区安全真空,地区国家正加快重组联盟,多个小多边安全机制涌现。乌克兰危机的影响外溢至中东,地区国家面临疫情、粮食、能源、金融和流血冲突等多重安全危机叠加局... 展开
Abstract:Since 2021,the turbulent ME region has shown a positive trend of détente:the three major regional conflicts in Syria,Libya and Yemen have cooled down;Turkey took the initiative to ease tensions with regional countries;Reconciliation among GCC countries;Iran began to talk with Saudi Arabia;Negotiations for the U.S. to rejoin the JCPOA began. The trend of regional détente is driven by a variety of internal and external factors,a... 展开