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作者:吴园 出版日期:2022年02月 报告页数:24 页 报告大小: 报告字数:19848 字 所属丛书:波兰蓝皮书 所属图书:波兰发展报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本报告以波兰中央统计局2021年发布的统计数据为基础,分析波兰农业发展的自然条件、发展现状、国际贸易等情况。波兰种植业占农业生产的比重较大,最重要的农作物为谷物,小麦种植面积最大,甜菜产量最高;蔬菜种植以卷心菜、洋葱、胡萝卜等为主;波兰的苹果具有较强的市场竞争力,产量位居世界第三;畜牧业发展具有较好的基础;渔业具有较好的发展潜力。在农产品国际贸易方面,波兰长期保持国际贸易顺差的优势。波兰最主要的农产品出口市场是欧盟地区,中国则是波兰在亚洲... 展开



Abstract:Studying the status quo of Polish agricultural production and international trade will help to have a deeper understanding about the competitiveness and potential of Polish agriculture. Based on the data released by the Poland Central Statistics Office(GUS),this report systematically analyzes the natural conditions,development status,and international trade of Polish agricultural development. The Polish plantation industry accoun... 展开

Abstract:Studying the status quo of Polish agricultural production and international trade will help to have a deeper understanding about the competitiveness and potential of Polish agriculture. Based on the data released by the Poland Central Statistics Office(GUS),this report systematically analyzes the natural conditions,development status,and international trade of Polish agricultural development. The Polish plantation industry accounts for a large proportion of agricultural production. The most important crops are cereals,with the largest area of wheat planting and the highest yield of sugar beets. Vegetables are grown mainly with cabbage,onions,carrots,etc.. Poland’s apples are highly competitive and the output ranks third in the world. The development of animal husbandry has a good foundation,and fisheries have good development potential. In terms of international trade of agricultural products,Poland has always maintained the advantage of a trade surplus. The European Union is Poland’s main agricultural product trading partner. Poland is China’s largest trading partner in Central and Eastern Europe,and China is Poland’s largest trading partner in Asia. In the future,Polish agriculture will continue to maintain a stable development trend and has great potential in the international trade of agricultural products.



