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作者:康杰 出版日期:2021年09月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:19853 字 所属丛书:中亚黄皮书 所属图书:中亚国家发展报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2020年,美国继续加大对中亚的战略关注与投入,发布了新中亚战略文件。新中亚战略标志着对美国以往中亚战略范式的重要改变,其实质是以对华竞争为主轴,在对俄和阿富汗问题上收缩战线。新战略制定和执行过程反映出美各部门协同度更高,政策抓手更趋多样。同时,以“中亚五国+美国”(“C5+1”)为代表的多边机制在政治优先级、领域内涵和地理外延上均得到强化,成为美国经营与中亚国家关系的重要平台。同时,以支点国家为核心的双边关系仍是美国对中亚外交的主要方式。在... 展开



Abstract:In 2020,the United States continues to increase its strategic focus and commitment to Central Asia,releasing a new Central Asia strategy document. The new Central Asian strategy marks an important transformation of the past strategic paradigm of the United States. The essence of which is to compete with China as the main axis,and to shrink the front line on Russia and Afghanistan. The process of formulating and implementing the new... 展开

Abstract:In 2020,the United States continues to increase its strategic focus and commitment to Central Asia,releasing a new Central Asia strategy document. The new Central Asian strategy marks an important transformation of the past strategic paradigm of the United States. The essence of which is to compete with China as the main axis,and to shrink the front line on Russia and Afghanistan. The process of formulating and implementing the new strategy reflects a greater sectoral synergy and a more diversified policy method. At the same time,the multilateral mechanism represented by the United States and five Central Asian countries(C5+1)has been strengthened in political priority,field connotation and geographical extension,and has become an important platform for the United States to manage its relations with Central Asian countries. In the meantime,bilateral relations with fulcrum countries as the core are still the main way of US diplomacy towards Central Asia. In specific fields,regional governance has become a new concern of the United States. Biden administration will continue the basic framework of the new Central Asia strategy in the short term.


