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作者:胡丹 出版日期:2020年10月 报告页数:20 页 报告大小: 报告字数:28848 字 所属丛书:英国蓝皮书 所属图书:英国发展报告(2019~2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2019~2020年度英国继续成为中国企业在欧洲投资的主要目的地。尽管缺乏大宗交易,房地产、科技、教育和制造业领域并购投资活跃。《2019~2020年国家安全与投资法案》进入立法程序并完成一读,预计将于2020年晚些时候通过,届时标志着英国实质建立起“国家安全”审查制度。在新冠肺炎疫情的背景下,英国6月率先通过三部二级立法,扩大了“敏感”行业的范围,降低了审查门槛,并着重保护可能影响公共卫生安全的企业。未来中国企业在英投资面临投资审查、双边关系、国际局势... 展开



Abstract:The UK continued to be the major destination in Europe for Chinese investment during 2019-2020. High-profile cases were lacking but enthusiasm was strong in real estate,technology,education and manufacturing. Britain’s paramount piece of legislation for national security review,National Security and Investment Bill,was introduced and completed first reading. It is widely estimated that it will pass later this year,marking for th... 展开

Abstract:The UK continued to be the major destination in Europe for Chinese investment during 2019-2020. High-profile cases were lacking but enthusiasm was strong in real estate,technology,education and manufacturing. Britain’s paramount piece of legislation for national security review,National Security and Investment Bill,was introduced and completed first reading. It is widely estimated that it will pass later this year,marking for the first time in the country the establishment of a separate screening process on national security grounds. Against the backdrop of financial difficulties in British businesses after the pandemic hit,the government promulgated three secondary legislations in June 2020 to expand the “sensitive” sectors,lower the threshold and grant special protection to companies whose acquisition may have implications for the country’s public health. Great uncertainty is expected for the coming year in the adoption and implementation of the Bill,Britain’s China policy and relations and geopolitical shifts. Therefore,it is recommended that companies that plan to invest in the UK closely follow the procedures and practice and make decisions based on proper due diligence and choice of timing.


