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作者:张莹 出版日期:2017年11月 报告页数:18 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14038 字 所属丛书:气候变化绿皮书 所属图书:应对气候变化报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:大力发展分布式可再生能源,对于我国的能源结构调整和能源清洁化有着重要的意义,通过分布于用户端周边直接向用户供能,灵活实现冷、热、电等多种供能方式的互补利用,能有效提高能源利用效率,同时还具有显著的环境和社会效益。当前我国太阳能、风能、水能、生物质能等可再生能源一直保持快速发展,但智能电网建设和并网制度的落后也给不断增加的可再生能源利用消纳带来了压力。为了更好地促进分布式可再生能源发展,需要加强对于分布式可再生能源的政策保障、创新鼓励分... 展开



Abstract:The development of distributed renewable energy resources plays an important role in adjusting and cleaning energy structure for China. The distributed energy resources could provide the energy supply to the terminal user nearby. The energy forms offered by distributed energy resources are quite flexible and could be heat,cold,electricity or the mixture of them. Thus,it can effectively improve the efficiency of energy utilization a... 展开

Abstract:The development of distributed renewable energy resources plays an important role in adjusting and cleaning energy structure for China. The distributed energy resources could provide the energy supply to the terminal user nearby. The energy forms offered by distributed energy resources are quite flexible and could be heat,cold,electricity or the mixture of them. Thus,it can effectively improve the efficiency of energy utilization and has significant environmental and social benefits. Currently,the application of solar,wind power,hydropower,biomass and other renewable energy has maintained rapid development,but the construction of smart grid and the backward grid system place increasing pressure on the utilization and consumption of renewable energy. In order to better promote the development of distributed renewable energy resources,China need to strengthen the specific policies for distributed renewable energy,to encourage innovation in the development of distributed renewable energy market mechanism,explore the successful experience of promoting local consumption and integration of distributed renewable energy resources,improve the policies benefit for the development distributed renewable energy business model and investment and financing mechanism innovation.



