文章摘要:随着新冠肺炎疫情在德国的蔓延,疫情危机迅速从公众卫生威胁演化为激烈的社会震荡,这集中体现为德国反防疫措施抗议运动的爆发。反防疫措施抗议运动爆发的背景与德国社会问题密切相关,疫情所导致的不平等现象的加剧以及民众的“防疫疲劳症”都为抗议运动的爆发埋下了种子。与传统抗议运动相比,此次德国反防疫措施抗议运动规模更大、持续周期更长,主要原因在于抗议运动所体现出的新特征:一是,抗议参与者的多元化;二是,社交媒体推动的阴谋论与虚假信息的迅速传播。虽... 展开
Abstract:The rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany has developed from a public health threat to a violent social upheaval which has pivoted in the eruption of an anti-lockdown protest movement. This movement is closely associated with general social problems in Germany. The aggravation of social inequality and “lockdown fatigue” contributed to the outbreak of the protests. Compared with traditional demonstrations,the scale and du... 展开