文章摘要:目前,我国已建立以《反洗钱法》为基础、以中国人民银行和保监会监管规定为主体、以配套实施细则和操作标准为补充的保险业反洗钱监管法律制度体系。由于《反洗钱法》和其他部门规章制定时间较早,更多地体现“合规为本”,而非“风险为本”,现有立法已难以适应反洗钱监管理念从“合规为本”向“风险为本”的转变。保险业反洗钱相关立法需要根据监管理念的调整而进行相应的完善。本报告在全面梳理我国保险业反洗钱立法的基础上,深入研究境外发达国家和地区保险业反洗钱立... 展开
Abstract:At present,China has established supervision legal system of anti-money laundering related to insurance industry on the basis of The Anti Money Laundering Law,regulations of The People’s Bank of China(PBC)and China Insurance Regulatory Commission(CIRC)as the mainstay,and complementing the implementation of regulations and standard of operation. Due to the earlier set of The Anti Money Laundering Law and regulations,they are m... 展开