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作者:郭婧 出版日期:2020年08月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:19926 字 所属丛书:德国蓝皮书 所属图书:德国发展报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:由于德国企业岗位空缺情况愈发严重,移居德国的专业人才数量常年处于较低水平,现行法律又无法有效解决德国劳动力市场的困境,为此,德国出台了《专业人才移民法》,该法于2020年3月1日生效。新法将为德国带来众多变化,例如:向拥有高校文凭和职业教育文凭的合格专业人才开放劳动力市场;提供6个月实习机会,优化求职程序;简化资质认证程序和签证申请程序;为专业人才提供更好的未来发展空间。由此,新法有望缩小德国就业人数的缺口,引导德国企业制定国际化的人才战略... 展开



Abstract:The small number of skilled immigrants that came to Germany in the last years and the current legal framework cannot effectively resolve the problem of an increasing lack of specialists in German enterprises. That is why the new Skilled Immigration Act came into force on March 1,2020. It will bring a number of changes,such as opening up the labor market for qualified professionals from non-EU countries who have(only)received vocat... 展开

Abstract:The small number of skilled immigrants that came to Germany in the last years and the current legal framework cannot effectively resolve the problem of an increasing lack of specialists in German enterprises. That is why the new Skilled Immigration Act came into force on March 1,2020. It will bring a number of changes,such as opening up the labor market for qualified professionals from non-EU countries who have(only)received vocational training,providing six-months internship opportunities and optimizing job-hunting procedures,simplifying procedures for the certification of qualifications and for visa application,as well as generally providing better prospects for qualified professionals. The act is expected to attract more qualified professionals to come to Germany,to assist German enterprises to formulate a strategy on international professionals,and to demonstrate the determination of the German government to solve the problem of migration and refugees. The actual impact of the act will however largely depend on its future implementation.



