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作者:李新廷 李晨阳 出版日期:2019年06月 报告页数:25 页 报告大小: 报告字数:23970 字 所属丛书:中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI... 所属图书:比较政治学研究 (2019年第1辑 总第16辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:后发展国家的政治转型呈现复杂化的格局。已有的政治转型理论在结构性视角与行动者视角的基础上通过方法的突破进入新制度主义理论范式,有利于解释后发展国家的政治转型问题。立足比较历史分析,通过对新加坡与马来西亚民族国家建构历程的详细比较发现,两国在相似条件的影响下走向了一党独大的威权体制,相似的选举威权主义体制之下却因族群结构、政党的社会基础与价值取向的不同表现出了一定的差异。两国威权体制的差异在制度变迁过程中逐渐扩大。一党独大体制的制度化是... 展开



Abstract:The political transformation of post-developing countries presents a complicated pattern.The existing political transformation theory enters into the new institutional theoretical paradigm through method breakthrough on the basis of structural perspective and actor perspective,which is conducive to explaining the political transformation of developing countries.Through the comparative historical analysis of the nation state building ... 展开

Abstract:The political transformation of post-developing countries presents a complicated pattern.The existing political transformation theory enters into the new institutional theoretical paradigm through method breakthrough on the basis of structural perspective and actor perspective,which is conducive to explaining the political transformation of developing countries.Through the comparative historical analysis of the nation state building process of the Singapore and Malaysia,it can be found that under the influence of similar conditions,the two countries have gone towards the one-party dominance authoritarian system,but due to differences in ethnic structure,social foundation and value orientation of political parties,the similar election authoritarian system has shown some differences.The differences of authoritarianism between the two countries are gradually expanding in the process of institutional change.The institutionalization of one-party dominance system is one of the key explanatory variables.Malaysia with low level of institutionalization of one-party dominance system has achieved the transition from authoritarianism to democracy,while Singapore with high level of institutionalization of one-party dominance system has always maintained strong authoritarian resilience,which has become an abnormal counterexample in the theory of political transformation.



