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作者:朱清秀 吴怀中 出版日期:2019年07月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13047 字 所属丛书:日本蓝皮书 所属图书:日本研究报告(2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:明仁天皇生前退位的确认意味着日本即将结束平成时代进入新的纪元。在后平成时代,自民党独大及安倍“一强”的政治格局将会延续,后平成时代将会率先进入“安倍时代”。安倍对内政、外交安保领域的统摄力预示着安倍决心在后平成时代推动修宪进程,在不追求修改宪法第九条的前提下,尝试进行“技术性修宪”以谋求其在日本政治史上的光辉地位。然而,安倍的修宪之路并不平坦,后平成时代首次参议院选举将成为对安倍执政能力的重要考验。一旦修宪势力在此次选举中未能获得三分... 展开



Abstract:The confirmation of the abdication of Emperor Akihito means that Japan is about to end the Heisei era and enter a new era. In the post-Heisei era,the political pattern of the dominance of Liberal Democratic Party and Abe will continue,and the post-Heisei era will lead the way to the “Abe era.” Abe’s power in the fields of internal affairs and diplomatic security indicates that he is determined to promote the revision of Constitut... 展开

Abstract:The confirmation of the abdication of Emperor Akihito means that Japan is about to end the Heisei era and enter a new era. In the post-Heisei era,the political pattern of the dominance of Liberal Democratic Party and Abe will continue,and the post-Heisei era will lead the way to the “Abe era.” Abe’s power in the fields of internal affairs and diplomatic security indicates that he is determined to promote the revision of Constitution in the post-Heisei era. Under the premise of not pursuing the revision of Article 9 of the Constitution,he tried to carry out “technical revision” for his brilliant status in Japan’s political history. However,Abe’s road of revision of Constitution is not smooth,and the first Senate election in the post-Heisei era will become an important test for Abe’s ability to govern. Once the power of revision fails to get a two-thirds majority in this election,the revision of Constitution promoted by Abe will also be difficult to make advances.




