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作者:杨伯江 出版日期:2019年07月 报告页数:25 页 报告大小: 报告字数:26430 字 所属丛书:日本蓝皮书 所属图书:日本研究报告(2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2018年安倍晋三再次赢得自民党总裁选举,距成为日本宪政史上任职时间最长的首相仅剩一步之遥。安倍执政地位稳固,但民意基础也有所流失。2018年日本遭遇国际变局的剧烈冲击,其烈度不亚于冷战结束以及1971年的两次“尼克松冲击”。对此,日本强化战略自主概念,多向对冲国际权力转移趋势,寻找大国关系平衡点,探索构建多元化战略关系。日本在“回归亚洲”、引领推动地区经济合作方面颇有斩获,但也受到近周边外交短板的结构性制约。2018年中日关系重回正常发展轨道,第三... 展开



Abstract:In the year 2018,Shinzo Abe won the LDP presidential election again in 2018,moving closely to become Japan’s longest-serving prime minister in the constitutional history. Prime Minister Abe has a solid power foundation but is also losing some support in Japan’s public opinion. In 2018,Japan is faced with great challenges brought by the current global change,which is similar with the situation as the end of the Cold War and the ... 展开

Abstract:In the year 2018,Shinzo Abe won the LDP presidential election again in 2018,moving closely to become Japan’s longest-serving prime minister in the constitutional history. Prime Minister Abe has a solid power foundation but is also losing some support in Japan’s public opinion. In 2018,Japan is faced with great challenges brought by the current global change,which is similar with the situation as the end of the Cold War and the “Nixon shock” in 1971. In that context,Japan attempts to strengthen its strategic autonomy,hedge the trend of international power transition through various channels,seek for a balance position for great power relations and build multi-dimensional strategic partnerships overseas. Japan has made some progress in “returning to Asia” and assuming the leadership in regional economic cooperation,however,it is also restrained by some structural problems caused by its neighboring diplomacy. The Sino-Japanese relations has come back to the normal track of development in 2018,with the third-party market cooperation starting to gain some progress and rewards. There are favorable conditions as well as challenges for the steady development of Sino-Japanese relations. Therefore,great effort should be made in implementing the third-party market cooperation based on common interests,continuously expanding the positive side of the relations and restrain the negative side,effectively managing contradictions and differences,strengthening people-to-people exchanges and consolidating the social foundation and public opinion favorable for the development of Sino-Japanese relations.



