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作者:吴凡 出版日期:2019年06月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16659 字 所属丛书:欧洲移民蓝皮书 所属图书:欧洲移民发展报告(2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2018年,西班牙接收的首次申请庇护难民人数较2017年增长了59.25%,成为欧盟难民申请数量增幅排名第二的国家。本文首先介绍西班牙难民庇护申请数量、审批数量、获批人数、来源国、年龄和性别等基本情况。其次,分析居住在西班牙的难民和移民的社会融入状况及其对社会的影响,包括就业、住房、社会保障,子女教育和工作,以及主体社会对该群体的态度等。虽然西班牙的移民政策与欧洲其他国家相比更为开放和包容,但是难民和移民的社会融入程度偏低。最后,本文结合2018年6月... 展开



Abstract:In 2018,the number of first-time asylum-seekers received by Spain increased by 59.25% compared with 2017,making it the second-largest number of EU refugees. This article first describes the basic situation of the number of asylum-seekers in Spain,the number of people approved,the country of origin,age and gender. Secondly,it analyzes the integration status of refugees and immigrants living in Spain and their impact on society,i... 展开

Abstract:In 2018,the number of first-time asylum-seekers received by Spain increased by 59.25% compared with 2017,making it the second-largest number of EU refugees. This article first describes the basic situation of the number of asylum-seekers in Spain,the number of people approved,the country of origin,age and gender. Secondly,it analyzes the integration status of refugees and immigrants living in Spain and their impact on society,including employment,housing,social security,education and work of children,and the attitude of the main society towards the group. Although Spain’s immigration policy is more open and inclusive than other European countries,the integration of refugees and immigrants is low. Finally,this article combines the position and implementation of Prime Minister Sanchez’s treatment of refugees and immigrants in June 2018 to explore the direction and impact of Spanish refugee and immigration policies in the future.


