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作者:刘得手 出版日期:2019年04月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14175 字 所属丛书:美国蓝皮书 所属图书:美国研究报告(2018):特朗普执政以来的内政外交 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:在2016年美国总统大选中,美国对欧政策并非一个核心议题。但是,由于共和党总统候选人特朗普发表了一些抨击北约及支持英国脱欧的言论,这引发了欧洲人的担忧。因此,特朗普就任总统后其所领导的政府会采取何种对欧政策的问题变得分外引人注目。总体上看,特朗普政府的对欧政策延续多于变化:前者体现为,它重申信守对欧洲盟友与伙伴的坚定承诺和《华盛顿条约》第5条款的规定,并主张强化与欧洲盟友与伙伴在政治、经济及军事安全领域的合作;后者体现为,它强硬要求欧洲盟... 展开



Abstract:The U.S. policy toward Europe was by no means a key focus in 2016 presidential election. Nevertheless,European countries were upset and concerned about some of Trump's remarks criticizing NATO and supporting the Brexit. Generally,Trump administration's Europe policy unfolded with more continuities in principle than changes reflected by its commitment to European allies and partners under the Article V of NATO treaty,advocating enha... 展开

Abstract:The U.S. policy toward Europe was by no means a key focus in 2016 presidential election. Nevertheless,European countries were upset and concerned about some of Trump's remarks criticizing NATO and supporting the Brexit. Generally,Trump administration's Europe policy unfolded with more continuities in principle than changes reflected by its commitment to European allies and partners under the Article V of NATO treaty,advocating enhanced political,economic and military cooperation with Europe. Meanwhile,Trump also showed remarked changes regarding some important issues,pressing on European allies to share more defense responsibilities,shelving negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) indefinitely and taking ambiguous stand on whether to support Europe's integration process. The policy being formed has its roots both in history and interests reckoning,not only out of the global strategic goals of the United States,but also based on the strategic interactions between the U.S. and Europe. In any case,Trump's Europe policy will have a profound impact on U.S.-EU Relations.



