文章摘要:海外利益保护的核心问题是应对全球化背景下国籍国和东道国在保护权力、能力和动力上的不平衡,在全球范围内合理调配安全资源。根据对主权国家体系的态度,各国的海外利益保护措施大致可以分为外交保护型、立法强制型、东道国主导型和安全聚合型四类,它们在强制性和主体多元化上存在差异。根据这一分类框架,当前世界各国的海外利益保护大致可以分为主导强国和次强国家两类,其中前者能够综合利用所有的利益保护手段,而后者一般则存在明显短板。比较发现,中国的海外利益... 展开
Abstract:The key issue in the protection of overseas interests is the imbalance between authority and capacity,the impetus between the home and host state during the era of globalization,and the proper distribution of global security resources. Based on attitudes toward the Westphalian system,the protection of overseas interests can be divided into four types. They are the diplomatic protection model,the legalized enforcement model,the do... 展开