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作者:王晋 出版日期:2018年11月 报告页数:2 页 报告大小: 报告字数:18617 字 所属丛书:叙利亚蓝皮书 所属图书:叙利亚发展报告(2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:自2011年叙利亚战乱爆发以来,难民问题成为国际社会关注的焦点议题之一。叙利亚难民的产生主要是受到战火影响,也受到生存环境恶化的影响。叙利亚难民主要分布在叙利亚周边邻国土耳其、约旦、黎巴嫩及欧洲地区。叙利亚难民问题的解决面临着挑战,首先是联合国难民署针对叙利亚难民的救助资金仍然缺乏,其次是叙利亚难民所在国仍然缺少足够的应对准备和举措,最后是相关国家之间缺少针对叙利亚难民问题的合作与协调。叙利亚难民问题仍然会是未来影响叙利亚问题最终解决的重... 展开



Abstract:Ever since Syria civil war erupted in 2011,how to settle the Syrian refugees has become a major topic. Syrian refugees resulted from both warfare and poor social conditions. The Syria refugee issue challenges both international morality and justice and security environment of international society. The settlement of Syrian refugees on the one hand depends on different states,including Lebanon,Turkey,Iraq,Jordan and European Union... 展开

Abstract:Ever since Syria civil war erupted in 2011,how to settle the Syrian refugees has become a major topic. Syrian refugees resulted from both warfare and poor social conditions. The Syria refugee issue challenges both international morality and justice and security environment of international society. The settlement of Syrian refugees on the one hand depends on different states,including Lebanon,Turkey,Iraq,Jordan and European Union,own respective policies,while on the other hand relies on the aid and assistance from international organizations such as UN and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). There are still several challenges for the settlement of Syrian refugees. First,both UN and UNHCR lack enough funding to support the assistance and settlement of Syrian refugees. Second,the lack of enough preparation of related states makes the settlement of Syrian refugees difficult. Third,lack of cooperation and coordination among international society makes the appropriate arrangements of Syrian refugees hardly possible. The Syria refugee problem will continue to be a major challenge for the success of sustainable solution to Syria crisis.


