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作者:马涛 出版日期:2018年01月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13101 字 所属丛书:世界经济黄皮书 所属图书:2018年世界经济形势分析与预测 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2016年,全球贸易经历了非同一般的低速增长。2017年上半年全球货物贸易呈反弹增长趋势,超过4月世界贸易组织(WTO)预测的2.4%的全球贸易量增速。虽然世界经济复苏的各种政策不确定性依然存在,但是全球贸易触底反弹态势已十分明朗。本文判断,2017年,全球货物贸易增速较2016年将出现强力反弹,贸易量增速将超过3.0%。考虑经济下行风险的集聚,也要避免被过于悲观的预期所束缚,本文认为,2018年全球货物贸易量增速会在3.0%左右。中美双边经贸关系直接影响全球贸易增长。... 展开



Abstract:Growth in the volume of world merchandise trade is expected to rebound in the first half of 2017 from its tepid performance in 2016. In the first half of 2017,the increase of global merchandise trade was much higher than the annual growth rate 2.4% predicted by WTO in April. The policy uncertainties of global economy recovery exist,but global trade is rebounding from the bottom significantly. We think that the global merchandise tra... 展开

Abstract:Growth in the volume of world merchandise trade is expected to rebound in the first half of 2017 from its tepid performance in 2016. In the first half of 2017,the increase of global merchandise trade was much higher than the annual growth rate 2.4% predicted by WTO in April. The policy uncertainties of global economy recovery exist,but global trade is rebounding from the bottom significantly. We think that the global merchandise trade growth in 2017 will outstrip the level of that in 2016,and the trade volume growth rate will be more than 3.0%. Considering the downside risks agglomerate,and avoiding our basic assumptions too pessimistic,we estimate that the growth rate of global merchandise trade in 2018 could be around 3.0%. Sino-US trade and economic relations will affect the growth of global trade directly. Facing the volatile trade policies from Trump government,bilateral trade and economic cooperation between China and US will be a process of grinding. We believe that the possibility of a full trade conflict between China and US is not large,but bilateral trade frictions will increase,it is difficult to solve the contradiction between China and US in a short term,which is required gradual adjustment.


