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作者:孙怡 出版日期:2018年08月 报告页数:18 页 报告大小: 报告字数:18017 字 所属丛书:巴西黄皮书 所属图书:巴西发展报告(2017~2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:持续四年之久的“洗车行动”沉重打击了“官-商”腐败犯罪系统和传统权贵利益集团,给巴西当前的行政、立法和司法系统带来了全面冲击。本文将对以“洗车行动”为核心的巴西反腐运动进行全面梳理,指出此次反腐运动所呈现出的新特点并解析其背后的原因,进而阐释反腐运动对巴西当前政治局势的影响,并在此基础上对巴西政坛未来走势进行预测。可以预见,随着2018年总统大选的临近,巴西政局变数大增:一方面,在经济危机和反腐运动的双效作用下,传统政党声誉不佳,总统候选... 展开



Abstract:The Operation Car Wash in Brazil,which lasted for four years,has dealt a heavy blow to the organized crime and corruption system and the interests of the traditional elite,bringing an overall impact on the current administrative,legislative and judicial system. This article will conduct a comprehensive review of Brazil's anti-corruption operation centered on the Operation Car Wash,pointing out the new features and analyzing the r... 展开

Abstract:The Operation Car Wash in Brazil,which lasted for four years,has dealt a heavy blow to the organized crime and corruption system and the interests of the traditional elite,bringing an overall impact on the current administrative,legislative and judicial system. This article will conduct a comprehensive review of Brazil's anti-corruption operation centered on the Operation Car Wash,pointing out the new features and analyzing the reasons behind,and then explore the its impact on the current state and future trend of Brazilian political arena. It is foreseeable that with the approach of the 2018 presidential election,the uncertainty of political situation in Brazil will continue to increase. On the one hand,under the dual effects of the economic crisis and the anti-corruption campaign,the traditional political parties suffer from a poor reputation and the presidential candidacy remains uncertain due to the Operation Car Wash;on the other hand,the Third Way is growing,seeking a middle ground between the left and the right wing. And this has also brought new opportunities for a strategic layout in the last year of Michel Temer's governance in order to defend his politics heritage.


