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作者:束锦 出版日期:2018年08月 报告页数:10 页 报告大小: 报告字数:8474 字 所属丛书:江苏蓝皮书 所属图书:2018年江苏社会发展分析与展望 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:坚持和完善基层群众自治制度是新时代中国特色社会主义民主政治建设的重要内容。近年来,江苏各地基层群众自治实践有序发展,一些地区的探索创新,为全省提供了可资借鉴的经验。目前,以下问题仍亟待解决:部分基层党组织对基层群众自治的引领作用弱化;各类基层组织之间存在相互掣肘;群众利益在自治活动中的有效实现还不到位;各地自治活动的规范化和法治化水平参差不齐,存在非制度参与问题。为此,提出如下建议:坚持党的领导,充分发挥基层党组织在基层群众自治中的引... 展开



Abstract:adhering to and improving the system of grassroots self-government is an important part of the construction of socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics in the new era. In recent years,the practice of self-government of grass-roots people in various parts of jiangsu has developed in an orderly way,and some areas have explored and innovated,which has provided the whole province with experience for reference. At present,the f... 展开

Abstract:adhering to and improving the system of grassroots self-government is an important part of the construction of socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics in the new era. In recent years,the practice of self-government of grass-roots people in various parts of jiangsu has developed in an orderly way,and some areas have explored and innovated,which has provided the whole province with experience for reference. At present,the following problems still need to be solved:some grassroots party organizations have weakened the leading role of grass-roots autonomy;There are mutual constraints between various grassroots organizations;The effective realization of the interests of the masses in the autonomous activities is not yet in place;The standardization of local autonomous activities and the uneven level of the rule of law exist in the non-system participation problem. To this end,the following Suggestions are put forward:uphold the leadership of the party and give full play to the leading role of grass-roots party organizations in the autonomy of grass-roots masses;Adhere to the system governance,and form a positive synergy of multi-subject collaborative governance;We should uphold the status of the people and promote the utility of self-government activities in safeguarding the rights and interests of the masses. We will adhere to the rule of law and incorporate all kinds of autonomous activities into the path of the rule of law and purify the political ecology at the grassroots level.


