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作者:张航燕 出版日期:2018年08月 报告页数:28 页 报告大小: 报告字数:24636 字 所属丛书:产业蓝皮书 所属图书:中国产业竞争力报告(2018)No.7 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:整体来看,高收入国家产业竞争力表现出产品类别多元化的发展态势,既有谷物和生皮等初级产品又有医药品、机械及运输设备等工业制成品。从典型国家来看,由于农牧业发达、自然资源丰富,澳大利亚的初级产品具有较强的国际竞争力;因制造能力强,日本、德国、韩国的工业制成品具有较强的竞争优势;美国表现为初级产品的竞争力强于加工制成品。从贸易关系来看,除了中、美两国存在较大的顺差外,中国与日本、韩国、德国和澳大利亚均存在贸易逆差。中国出口的商品主要处在价值... 展开



Abstract:On the whole,high-income countries’ industrial competitiveness shows a trend of product diversification. There are primary products,such as cereals and raw skins,as well as manufactured goods,such as pharmaceuticals,machinery and transport equipment. From the perspective of typical countries,Australia has a strong international competitiveness in primary products due to its developed agriculture,animal husbandry and abundant n... 展开

Abstract:On the whole,high-income countries’ industrial competitiveness shows a trend of product diversification. There are primary products,such as cereals and raw skins,as well as manufactured goods,such as pharmaceuticals,machinery and transport equipment. From the perspective of typical countries,Australia has a strong international competitiveness in primary products due to its developed agriculture,animal husbandry and abundant natural resources;because of its strong manufacturing capability,Japan,Germany,Korea have strong competitive advantages in manufactured goods;The United States shows that the competitiveness of primary products is stronger than that of processed products. From the perspective of trade relations,in addition to the large surplus between China and the United States,China has trade deficits with Japan,Korea,Germany and Australia. China’s exports are mainly at the low end of the value chain,mostly for processing and assembly;while China’s imports are diversified,which vary from country to country. The economic and trade relations between countries are closely related to their economic structure,trade imbalances need to be properly understood. On the one hand,China should make full use of the WTO dispute settlement mechanism to resolve economic frictions,on the other hand,it needs to coordinate economic and trade relations with high-income countries through various means such as foreign direct investment,promoting product transformation and upgrading,and accelerating the cultivation of diversified export market structures.


